2. Pedagogical Contents

Teaching methods
The teachers in UST Junior High School had so many methods in order to make the students enjoy the learning procces. The prominent things are to make the students not only understand the topics or know to solve the problem but also how to apply the materials in daily life. Especially for science, the teacher ussualy uses Lecturer or presentation methods; in this method the teacher delivers the content of the material directly to students, in this method there is also a question and answer session that involve students. Then discussion method, in this case the teacher divides students into several groups, then students are given a problem that must be solved together. In this method there is also a question and answer session between students and sharing opinion / answer session among students.

Learning materials and innovation
Sometimes the teacher makes powerpoint presentation or given print out of the materials also as learning materials. The presentation are contain animation video, pictures (examples: the employing or the utilization,etc.), or sounds. The print out materials are the summary, table which describes about the topics (examples: periodic table of element, cations and anions table, ionic compound table, etc.). Specially for LAA Class, sometimes the teacher ask the students to search relevant matter from google, or any applications likes E-book as their additional learning material or an understanding enhancer

Sources of learning and technology
The sources of learning mostly taken from books. The technology used to deliver material are whiteboard and the marker a projector equipped with loudspeakers, tablet and Wi-Fi (for LAA Class).

Authentic assessment

To measure the student’s understanding about the material, teacher uses an exercise or seatwork for each topic that has been studied and a test for overall evaluation.
